
Gum Pain Around Tooth | The Disease Causes, Treatment and Prevention

If you're experiencing pain around a tooth, it may be dental gum disease. This condition can be caused by plaque and tartar build-up on your teeth, which allow bacteria to grow and damage the gums. Without treatment, gum disease can lead to tooth loss.

The pain around a tooth may be coming from your gums. If so, the pain may increase when you floss and brush your teeth due to irritation of the gum line by the bristles of your toothbrush or dental floss.

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However, if you experience constant or sharp pain in between teeth (such as molars), you may have a cavity between the teeth, leading to gum disease. Dr. Brite is a company that specializes in products to improve your dental health.

We offer gels, toothpaste, oral irrigators, and more to strengthen your teeth and make them whiter. Dr. Brite is a highly reviewed and trusted company, providing quality products at affordable prices.

a woman with beautiful smile

What is Gum Disease?

Gum disease is an infection that affects the tissues that support your teeth. If left untreated, it can lead to tooth loss and may also affect other parts of your body, such as your heart and lungs. The build-up of plaque and tartar on teeth allows bacteria in the mouth to grow and harm the gums. Plaque is a sticky, colorless film of bacteria that constantly forms on the surfaces of your teeth. Tartar is a hardened plaque that's deep below the gum line.

Causes of Gum Pain Around Tooth

Apart from poor oral hygiene, there are several other causes ofgum painaround a tooth, including:

Gingivitis- A bacterial infection of the gums that causes inflammation and bleeding of the gums

Gum recession- A condition in which your gums pull away from your teeth, exposing part of the tooth root

Periodontal disease- The more severe form of gum disease, it can lead to tooth loss. Treatments for this condition include surgery and antibiotics.

a woman showing painful gums

What Causes Gums a Swollen Gum Around One Tooth?

Gum disease is the number one cause of swollen gums around a tooth, though other types of infections can also lead to this symptom. For example, if you have an abscessed tooth, your gum tissue may swell as bacteria enter through the area surrounding your tooth and begin to spread throughout the bone that supports it.

Other causes of swollen Pain Around Tooth Pain

Other possible causes of swollen gums around a tooth include:

Canker sores- A type of ulcer that forms on the surface of the mouth, most commonly inside your cheeks. Bumping your teeth together, stress and allergies can cause canker sores to develop.

Aphthous stomatitis- A painful, swollen sore inside your mouth and on the roof of your mouth. These tend to recur in clusters.

Infection from a dental procedure- If you have recently had a tooth pulled or received intravenous regional anesthesia (used to numb an arm or leg), you may have developed an infection.

a man in pain visiting dentist

Gum Pain Around Tooth: Related Treatments

Several treatments can help reduce the discomfort of gum pain around a tooth, including:

Antibiotics- A type of medication that kills bacteria in your body; the specialist may prescribe this medication for people with severe gum disease called periodontitis and others.

Surgery- A corrective procedure that can help remove inflamed or damaged tissue may include scaling and root planing, typically performed when other forms of dental treatment, such as antibiotics, fail to work.

pills and injections

Home Remedies for Gum Pain Around Tooth

There are several home remedies you can try to reduce gum pain around a tooth, including:

Tumeric paste-It is a natural painkiller and anti-inflammatory that you can apply directly to your gums with a cotton swab.

Salt Water rinses- Salt water is believed to have anti-inflammatory properties and may help reduce the swelling caused by gum pain around a tooth.

Listerine- This dental spray or mouthwash can act as an antiseptic to help kill the bacteria that is believed to cause most cases of gum pain around a tooth.

Warm and Cold Compresses-Applying warm and cold compresses to your gums can help soothe them and reduce any pain caused by gum inflammation. If you decide to use a cold compress, be sure not to place it directly on your skin; wrap it in a clean towel or cloth before applying it.

Hydrogen Peroxide-You can use hydrogen peroxide to rinse your mouth or brush your gums, which will help promote healing and kill any bacteria causing the soreness.

Aloe Vera Gel-You can also use aloe vera gel on your gums to reduce inflammation and pain; be sure not to apply it directly to the gum, as this may burn your gums.

Tea Tree Oil-After brushing your teeth, you can use tea tree oil to soothe your gums and reduce inflammation; just put a few drops onto a clean piece of gauze or cotton ball, then apply it to the area around the affected tooth.

If you experience gum pain around a tooth while sleeping, try propping your head up with extra pillows or by laying on one side rather than lying flat. It will help decrease any pressure on your gums that may be causing the pain.

a little jar with aloe vera gel

What a Gum Infection Feels Like?

Gum infections, which include gum disease and gingivitis, can cause various gum disease symptoms. The specific symptoms you experience will depend on the severity of your condition:

Mild- Your gums will be red and tender to the touch; if you press down on your gums, they may bleed.

Moderate to severe-Your gums may look bluish or swollen and feel spongy. If you press down on your gums, they won't bleed.

Gum pain around a tooth can be a symptom of severe gum disease; contact your dental hygienist right away if other symptoms, such as:

  • Bleeding gums when you brush your teeth
  • Gums that are pulling away from your teeth, leaving unsightly pockets around them (periodontal pockets)
  • Black or brown areas on the surface of your gums (tartar)
  • Bad breath that doesn't go away even after brushing your teeth and using mouthwash
  • Pain when chewing
  • Loose teeth

a woman holding a cold compress on her teeth

Tooth and Gum Pain: Care Instructions

To prevent gum pain around the tooth, you should:

Brush your teeth twice a day with fluoride toothpaste and floss once daily.

Be sure to replace your toothbrush every few months, as the bristles become frayed over time, and they can't clean as well.

Schedule regular dental checkups so that your dentist can remove tartar buildup before it forms and help you learn how to brush and floss your teeth the right way.

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Can Gum Pain Go Away On Its Own?

Gum pain can usually go away on its own, but it may take time. Depending on your condition, you may have to wait several days or even weeks for the inflammation and swelling to subside enough, so the pain is gone.

If you have a gum infection in a tooth with a dental crown, be sure to follow all of your dentist's instructions. It may be necessary to remove the crown, which means you will have a gap between your teeth until the infection clears up.

Gum pain around a tooth may be relieved when you:

  • Prevent further irritation or injury to your gums, such as by avoiding:
  • Sucking on hard candies and chewing gum
  • Stimulating your gums with excessive brushing and dental flossing (gum massage)
  • Using tobacco products in any form.
  • Excessive snacking between meals

a person using a dental floss

However, gum pain caused by infection may require medical attention and proper treatment. You may need antibiotics to treat the disease that is causing the sore gums.

Steroid shots may be necessary if the infection is severe or doesn't respond to treatment.

1. Why do my gums hurt in one spot?

Gum pain around a tooth may signal that you have an infection or other condition in your mouth, such as periodontitis (gum disease) or gingivitis (inflammation of the gums)

2. What are the symptoms of gum disease?

The specific symptoms you experience will depend on the severity of your condition. Some of the most common symptoms include:

  • Red, swollen gums that bleed when you brush your teeth or floss
  • Pain when chewing or biting down on things
  • Bad breath or a bad taste in your mouth

3. How do I know if an infection causes my gum pain?

If you experience gum pain around a tooth, contact your dentist immediately. The discomfort you feel may be caused by an infection or other condition that can help reduce the swelling caused by gum inflammation and relieve any pain from various conditions, such as toothaches and canker sores.

4. How do I get rid of gum pain?

If you experience gum pain around a tooth, your dentist may prescribe antibiotics or another medication. You can also try Orajel or saltwater for temporary relief.

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Gum pain around a tooth can be a symptom of oral infection or other conditions. Don't ignore the pain. If you're experiencing gum pain around your tooth, it could be a sign of something more serious. Contact Dr. Brite today for an oral health consultation to get to the bottom of your gum pain and find a treatment plan that works for you.

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1. What does it mean when your gums hurt around a tooth?

If you notice a swollen gum around one tooth, it might be the result of gum disease, poor dental hygiene, or an abscess. Visit your dentist to make sure that your swollen gum is properly treated.

2. How do I get rid of gum pain?

The pain in your gums could be caused by a variety of things. It is important to visit the dentist and receive an oral exam to rule out any serious problems. If you have no other symptoms, then it may just be due to irritation from chewing gum or smoking cigarettes. To relieve the pain, use over-the-counter painkillers such as ibuprofen (Advil) or acetaminophen (Tylenol).

3. What a gum infection feels like?

A gum infection can be caused by the bacteria in your mouth. If you have a gum infection, it may feel like there is something stuck and irritated on the roof of your mouth or under your tongue. It can also cause swelling and redness around your gums.

4. How long does it take for inflamed gums to heal?

The healing time of inflamed gums can vary depending on the type and severity of an inflammation. Some people heal within a few days while others may take weeks or months.

5. Can sore gums feel like toothache?

Sore gums can feel like toothache. Soreness in the mouth is usually caused by a bacterial infection or an allergic reaction to food, but if you have pain that feels more like a headache than it does soreness, then the problem might be coming from your teeth. When this happens, it's best to see your dentist as soon as possible for treatment options.

