Can you use hydrogen peroxide as a mouthwash? Can it help whiten your teeth, disinfect your mouth and improve your overall oral health? Is it safe to swallow, and how long should you use it?
Most of us are not new to using hydrogen peroxide as an antiseptic for disinfecting surfaces and cleaning minor cuts. You can buy it from most drug stores, and it's common on most first aid kits and medicine cabinets.
Some users claim it helps deal with sore throats and gum inflammation.
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Can You Use Hydrogen Peroxide Daily as a Mouth Wash?
Although hydrogen peroxide has beneficial properties, it may not be the best to use it daily as a mouthwash. Using undiluted hydrogen peroxide can harm your organs and cause internal bleeding.
Doctors also use it to improve their patient's oral health. It helps prevent small mouth wounds and canker sores which helps reduce bacteria in your mouth.
The following are some of the ways you can use hydrogen peroxide?
Hydrogen Peroxide Mouthwash for Whitening Teeth
If you want to achieve a glowing and white smile, hydrogen peroxide mouthwashes come in handy. The bleaching agent is the main ingredient in many effective teeth whitening products.
For instance, the Advanced Whitening Kit Refill Pens (With Hydrogen Peroxide) remove stubborn stains and restore your bright smile. It helps restore your confidence by using it for a single session.
Gargling hydrogen peroxide can help your teeth look white a few moments after use. However, you may have to use it consistently for an extended period to achieve lasting effects.
Additionally, over-the-counter whitening gels with more carbamide peroxide than hydrogen peroxide may be more effective in whitening teeth.
Improve Oral Health
Besides ensuring you enjoy white teeth, hydrogen peroxide can also help improve your oral health.
It's a powerful disinfectant that prevents the infection of canker sores and other small wounds in your mouth. Preventing infections also ensures the wounds heal faster. When you put it on a cut, hydrogen peroxide releases oxygen, forming bubbles and foams. This helps clean the wound, reduce bacteria, and removes dead cells.
To get the most out of the product's oral health benefits, ensure you swish it around your mouth to ensure it reaches the front teeth and gums.
The product also requires time to be effective. Since gargling doesn't take much time, it may not kill all the bacteria, but it can help reduce them.
Treat Gum Diseases
Hydrogen peroxide also comes with antibacterial properties that can help treat gum diseases. The plaque on the teeth contains a film of bacteria known as a biofilm. When you gargle hydrogen peroxide, it helps to kill the bacteria.
One advantage of using hydrogen peroxide in dealing with gum disease is that it can reach the back of the mouth. It reaches spots that may be hard to reach with dental floss.
Healthy Gums Toothpaste - Mint also comes in handy in ensuring healthy gum. It has a formulation that helps kill bacteria that'd lead to gum diseases.
Easing a Sore Throat
Hydron peroxide can help you ease a sore throat in various ways. For instance, with its antibacterial properties, hydrogen peroxide can help deal with bacteria that cause infections.
It also helps release the mucus in your throat that may be causing you discomfort, irritation, and pain. When mucus comes in contact with hydrogen peroxide, it creates a foam that makes it less sticky and easier to remove.
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Can I Brush My Teeth Using Hydrogen Peroxide?
Yes, you can use it to brush your teeth which helps fight bacterial infection and improves dental hygiene.
To use hydrogen peroxide in a paste, use the following steps:
Mix a small amount of hydrogen peroxide with a few teaspoons of baking soda. Use a clean spoon to mix the two
Add a little peroxide gradually as you stir the mixture until you achieve a thick paste
Apply the paste in circular motions to your teeth using a toothbrush. Brush the teeth for about two minutes
Finally, rinse your mouth thoroughly by swishing water all around. Ensure you get rid of all the paste before going on to other activities
Hydrogen peroxide is effective if you use it carefully to whiten teeth or treat small wounds. On the other hand, improper use, such as high concentrations or using it too often, can lead to severe and expensive teeth damage.
Gargling Hydrogen Peroxide Mouthwash
To get the best out of the hydrogen peroxide solution, you need to know how to use it. This will help you enjoy the benefits and avoid the side effects.
One of the most hydrogen peroxide safe practices is to ensure you don't swallow it. Practice this whether you use the 35% food-grade hydrogen peroxide or the 3% option.
How Can You Dilute Hydrogen Peroxide for Mouthwash?
For safe gargling, use the following steps:
Use the 3% option as anything more can irritate. This is the option you'll get in most drug stores. Mix one part hydrogen peroxide with two parts water. The final solution will contain 1% hydrogen peroxide
Tilt your head back and take a small amount of the water and hydrogen peroxide solution.
Gargle and swish the solution all around your mouth for about 60 seconds. You can count the seconds silently or use a timer. Don't try to gargle the solution for more than 90 seconds
Spit out the solution after gargling
How Often Can You Rinse With Hydrogen Peroxide?
Ensure you follow the directions given on the package. If you have any questions, contact your doctor or dentist for guidance.
Follow your dentist's instructions on how often you should use the product. Using it often may see you enjoy the most benefits.
However, you should take note of the side effects. Hydrogen peroxide can cause damage to your teeth.
Your teeth are more at risk of damage if:
You use a high concentration of the product, more than 3%
You use it in contact with your teeth for an extended period. Ensure it doesn't take more than 1 minute when swishing and 2 minutes when brushing
You use it more than once every day
The most common side effect of hydrogen peroxide is teeth sensitivity. It happens due to damage to the protective enamel of your teeth if you use it in high concentrations or too often.
If you're struggling with teeth sensitivity, the Sensitivity Relief Toothpaste - Mint is a perfect pick. It'll make it pleasant for you to enjoy hot and cold foods and drinks.
It can also cause inflammation of the teeth roots in the gum, leading to infections. If you swallow undiluted hydrogen peroxide, you will likely experience damage to your internal organs. It can also lead to internal bleeding.
If you swallow diluted peroxide, you may experience some mild stomach pains. You may also vomit a foamy substance, which is normal. Contact your doctor immediately if you start feeling dizzy or weak.
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Ready to Use Hydrogen Peroxide?
Hydrogen peroxide can help you maintain your overall oral health when used in the right way. It can help you deal with gum diseases, whiten teeth, and treat sore throat. Ensure you don't go for the concentrated option and use it in the proper intervals.