
How Tea Tree Oil Helps Ease Gum & Tooth Pain

Melaleuca oil, or tea tree oil as it’s also known, is a potent antiseptic oil that you used in a variety of beauty and household products.

From skin care and body care to hair care, this essential oil packs a powerful punch wherever it’s used.

But what is tea tree oil exactly? What are its uses and where does it come from?

In this article, the Dr. Brite team will be discussing all the different aspects about tea tree oil that include:

  • The History of Tea Tree Oil and Its Many Uses
  • How to Naturally Relieve Tooth Pain with Tea Tree Oil
  • An Easy Way to Comfort Gum and Tooth Pain Without the DIY Effort

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 tea plant leaves


The History of Tea Tree Oil and Its Many Uses

Tea tree oil is derived from the Melaleuca tree that is native to Australia and has been used for years by the indigenous Bundjalung people of eastern Australia. The name “tea tree” actually came from Captain James Cook who saw the Bundjalung people brew the leaves of the Melaleuca tree into a tea.

While the leaves of the Melaleuca tree were once used to make a type of tea drink, tea tree oil is actually incredibly powerful on its own and has traditionally helped heal minor wounds. The Tea Tree Oil Research Group at The University of Western Australia actually studied tea tree oil extensively and they revealed that tea tree oil to be effective as an antibacterial, antifungal, antiviral and anti-inflammatory (ATTIA Ltd).

You can find tea tree oil as an ingredient in many natural products including skin care, acne treatments, body wash, shampoo, toothpaste, mouthwash, and even multi-purpose household cleaning sprays.

But what if you have a bottle of pure and organic tea tree oil? Our team at Dr. Brite has a few DIY tips that you can add to your oral care routine.

Benefits of Tea Tree Oil 

We don't have the right to limit Tea Tree oil's uses to just treating toothaches. Whatever this enchanted oil deserves, we plan to describe it! This tea tree essential oil has a ton of additional revitalizing advantages that make it essential to put on your wish list. They are as follows:

  1. Purchase a Facial Charm
  2. Best ally for your hair
  3. Reduces swelling and inflammation
  4. Healing Oral Infections/Wounds
  5. A Bed Bug Detractor

How to Naturally Relieve Tooth Ache with Tea Tree Oil

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ingredients for DIY

DIY fans, listen up! You can use tea tree oil topically on your teeth to relieve pesky toothaches.

Here are two ways to use tea tree oil as a holistic remedy:

  • Add 2-3 drops of tea tree oil into 1 tablespoon of coconut oil or any other edible carrier oil and swab this mixture directly onto gums using your finger or a Q-tip.
  • Add 2-3 drops of tea tree oil to a glass of water. Swish around your mouth for a minute or two and expel.

Another great way to use tea tree oil is to naturally disinfect your toothbrush and keep it clean. Simply use 1 drop to refresh your toothbrush in between uses. While this method is great to keep oral bacteria away, always replace your toothbrush every 3 months for a healthy mouth.

Comforting Gum and Tooth Ache Without the DIY Effort

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If DIY remedies aren’t your forté, Dr. Brite has a simple way you can incorporate the benefits of tea tree oil in your personal care routine. Dr. Brite’s Soothe & Restore Oral Spray is specifically formulated to help calm gum inflammation, sore gums, toothaches, and canker sores.

Not only will you find organic tea tree oil in Soothe & Restore, you’ll also find fantastic holistic ingredients like:

  • Organic Clove Oil
  • Organic Cinnamon Oil
  • Organic Myrrh Oil
  • Organic Coconut Oil
  • Organic Aloe Vera Juice

All these ingredients work synergistically to promote healing.

Dr. Brite product

A great companion to our Soothe & Restore Oral Spray is the Brite & Fresh Oral Spray, which is great for travel and is easy to take along with you while you’re out and about.

Formulated with activated charcoal, vitamin C, and organic peppermint oil, Brite & Fresh quickly freshens and neutralizes bad breath with a couple of spritzes.

Soothe, restore, and freshen your mouth on-the-go with the spray of a bottle. 

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1. Can you put tea tree oil in your mouth for a toothache?

According to randomized controlled clinical study, a tea tree oil can penetrate your gums and numb the nerves that are causing your toothache. In order to alleviate toothache, diluted tea tree oil can be used as a mouth rinse several times per day.

2. How do you use tea tree oil for tooth ache?

Apply the oil to the area of your gums that is inflamed or painful. Tea tree oil tastes unpleasant, so maintain a sufficient distance between your tongue and the Q-tip. When applied daily, the the non surgical periodontal treatment begins to work after roughly two days.

3. Is Tea Tree Oil Good for tooth infection?

Several different types of conditions may be treated with tea tree oil. It is a well-known antifungal. In addition to toothaches and abscessed teeth, it can also help with other conditions. Although it will taste unpleasant, it can be helpful at the time of discomfort.

4. Can I put tea tree oil directly on my gums?

Tea tree oils are popular essential oils that have many purported health benefits. Some people claim that it can be used to treat gum or periodontal disease and other oral health problems. However, there is limited scientific evidence to support these claims.

Tea tree oil may be effective for treating minor gum infections, but it should not be used as a replacement for standard dental care. It is important to consult with a dentist before using tea tree oil or any other essential oils for oral health issues.

5. How do you get rid of gum infection without antibiotics?

Gum infection is a common problem that can be treated with antibiotics, but there are also natural ways to get rid of gum infection. Essential oils such as tea tree oil and clove oil can be used to treat gum infection. These essential oils have anti inflammatory properties that help to kill the causative bacteria that cause gum infection, tooth decay and other gum disease.

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