
The Different Types of Teeth and What They Do

Teeth allow you to chew food, making it easier to digest and absorb nutrients. Each type of tooth has a different shape and performs specific tasks. Here's the breakdown on your pearly whites:

Incisors: Located at the front of the mouth, these eight teeth (four on top and four on bottom) have sharp biting surfaces used for cutting or shearing food into small, chewable pieces. They also help you pronounce words as you you speak and support the lips.

Canines: These are situated at the corners of the dental arches, two on the upper and two on the lower jaw. They are your sharpest teeth with a pointed surface used for ripping and tearing food apart. Canines, or cuspids, also guide all the teeth into place when you close your mouth.

Premolars: There are eight of these teeth in your adult mouth (four on the top and four on the bottom) right behind the canines. They have a flat biting surface and their function is to tear and crush food.

Molars:These teeth have flat biting surfaces larger than premolars and are used for chewing and grinding food. There are eight total with four on the upper and four on the lower jaw.

Third molars: Most commonly known as Wisdom Teeth, these are the last to erupt and positioned in the back of the mouth - two on top and two on the bottom. Some people never develop third molars at all. But for those who do, they can cause crowding and may need to be removed. 

Take good care of all your teeth by flossing and brushing twice a day with these proper techniques. Rinse after all meals and visit the dentist regularly for checkups and professional cleanings.

Looking for a toothpaste with natural ingredients and alcohol-free mouthwash?


1. What are the 5 types of teeth and their functions?

A tooth is made up of a number of combinations of teeth that are similar in structure and function. Human teeth can be classified into four main categories. We have four types of teeth: incisors, canines, premolars, and molars. There are four different types of teeth in the human mouth.

2. How many types of teeth do we have?

In both the upper and lower jaws, the middle four teeth are found in the middle of the mouth. There are four canines, which are the pointed teeth located directly outside the incisors. Premolars are the teeth located between canines and molars. In total, there are eight premolars. The eight molars (total of 8) are flat teeth at the back of the mouth that are useful for grinding food.

3. Which teeth are most important?

First molars (the major posterior teeth behind the premolars) are the most important teeth in terms of function and growth as well as being the most visible teeth. Teeth play an important role in the appearance and symmetry of the face. The way your jaw closes and aligns is crucial to the process of occlusion.

4. Are 24 teeth enough?

When a child is six years old, the four first permanent molars erupt in the back of the mouth. At the age of eight, a child should have 24 teeth or spaces for them. At the age of 12, the four second permanent molars erupt in front of the first molars. As a result, a 14-year-old should have 28 teeth, or spaces for them to grow into.

5. What are wisdom teeth?

Wisdom teeth are the last adult teeth to emerge from the gums and enter the mouth. Most people have four wisdom teeth at the back of their mouths - two on top and two on the bottom.

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