Have you just had a teeth whitening procedure and are wondering what kind of food to eat?
Of course, you want to preserve and maintain your dazzling smile after whiteningyourteeth. Furthermore, you now feel much more at ease showing off your dazzling whites. So what should you consider eating, and why are the next 48 hours crucial? Continue reading to learn more.
What Happens After Teeth Whitening?
A chemical reaction happens immediately after a professional teeth whitening treatment. Standard tooth whitening procedures may cause such responses to the teeth.
The most common components are hydrogen peroxide and carbamide peroxide. They undergo a process called oxidation, where the oxygen atoms lose electrons and change the makeup of the teeth.
This process alters the chemical makeup of stains, lightening the color of dental enamel. Chemical activities cause temporary damage to your teeth and gums. They expose the dentin layer underneath the enamel, making it susceptible to erosion and bacterial growth.
The tooth enamel becomes porous, absorbing color more readily. In addition, the gums become sensitive and inflamed after coming into contact with these chemicals.
Although these are just transitory side effects, it is critical to follow post-treatment recommendations. Make wise meal choices, particularly in the following 48 hours when your teeth are most vulnerable.
Which Foods Easily Stain Your Teeth?
To answer the question, "What to eat after teeth whitening?" You must first understand the dietary elements that discolor your teeth.
Chromogens are chemical compounds that are added to food coloring to create a colored final product. When these colored particles attach to the tooth enamel, they produce significant discoloration.
Tannins are naturally occurring chemicals present in grape skins, seeds, and stems. They are bitter and contribute to staining by increasing the capacity of chromogens to attach to tooth enamel.
Acid weakens the enamel, causing rough spots and erosion on the smooth surface. Teeth get readily stained when exposed to acid.
Stain-Causing Beverages
These are some stain-causing food ingredients that you can find in popular beverages.
- Coffee - Coffee is acidic and contains a lot of chromogens.
- Black/ Green Tea - Black/green tea has more tannins than coffee and stains more than coffee.
- Red Wine - Red wine is acidic and high in tannins and chromogens.
Try to avoid these beverages in the first 48 hours after teeth whitening. It will help keep your teeth whiter for a more extended period. Afterward, you should use a straw to prevent the liquid from getting all over your teeth.
The easiest way to avoid stains is to rinse your mouth with water and brush your teeth immediately after eating or drinking.
Best Foods to Eat After Teeth Whitening
So, what can you eat after you've had your teeth whitened?
You should probably introduce the white diet. The fundamental of the white diet is to commit to consuming exclusively light-colored or white foods and beverages. This should be done within 48 hours after a teeth whitening treatment.
Here is a list of white diet-recommended meals and beverages:
- Apple
The apple is often known as "nature's toothbrush." Biting off the thick skin and fibrous meat of an apple cleans your teeth of plaque and buildup. Apples are likewise high in vitamins and minerals but bear in mind that they are acidic and high in sugar.
To neutralize the acids, eat apples with other meals or all at once to reduce the time acid and sugar remain on your teeth. To avoid damaging your teeth' enamel, always use water to rinse your mouth and wait 30 minutes before brushing your teeth.
- Banana
Bananas are high in magnesium and Vitamin C. Magnesium promotes bone growth and the development of good enamel. Vitamin C aids in the maintenance of healthy gums by mimicking the blood vessels that support your teeth. Bananas are also less acidic than other fruits.
- Cauliflower
This superfood requires a significant amount of chewing. It eliminates plaque and buildup on teeth since it is broken down into small pieces. Cauliflower also includes potassium, magnesium, vitamin K, and zinc, all of which are beneficial to the health of your teeth.
- Celery
Celery is often referred to as "nature's floss." Aside from scraping food particles from teeth, its crunchiness also increases saliva. This stimulation loosens and flushes away the germs.
- Nuts & Seeds
Nuts and seeds contain phosphorus, which aids in calcium absorption by the teeth. Their abrasiveness also aids in the removal of surface stains.
- Egg Whites
Egg whites contain 90% water and 10% protein. To prevent tooth stains, fat, and cholesterol, remove the yellow yolk.
- Dairy Products
Dairy products, which include casein, are rich in calcium. Casein is a protein family that aids in cavity healing by binding calcium phosphates. It also keeps germs that cause cavities from adhering to the tooth's surface. Therefore, dairy products are generally beneficial to dental health.
The following dairy products are the best for your freshly whitened teeth.
- White cheese: Some dairy products like Fate, Ricotta, and Gruyere contain calcium and phosphate, which naturally straighten teeth. It also raises the pH levels in the mouth due to chewing. This causes more saliva to be produced, protecting teeth from acids that cause decay. Cheese components adhere to the enamel, protecting it from acids.
- White Unsweetened Yogurt: Sweetened and creamy yogurts have less protein and therefore less calcium. As a result, opt for the unsweetened version instead.
- Skimmed Milk: They help you get the nutrition you need without the fat and calories.
- Lean Proteins:Foods like fish, chicken, and tofu are high in phosphorus and protein, which help to maintain healthy teeth. To prevent tooth discoloration, eat only white fish and skinless chicken or turkey. Tofu made from soybeans is similarly high in calcium, with one 3.5 oz piece containing about 176 mg.
- Carbohydrates:Because carbohydrates are one of the leading causes of dental decay, choosing carbs is essential to balance your diet carefully. White bread, white rice, white potatoes, and white sauce pasta are all acceptable in moderation on the white diet.
- Beverages: If you aren't happy with tap or bottled water, you may drink still, unflavored, sparkling water. Coconut water is also a great option since it is high in Vitamin C.
Although alcohol consumption is not advised owing to its acidity, modest quantities may be consumed. Good examples are white wine or clear liquor with clear mixers, such as gin & tonic and vodka.
Get the Best Tooth Whitening Products Today!
You treasure that bright smile (see here how to get it) and deserve the best products to maintain it. Dr. Brite offers the best tooth whitening products that will brighten your smile permanently.
Grab your New Wireless Advanced Whitening System that is free of peroxide. It is a powerful formula that is fast, effective, and ideal for your sensitive teeth.
The best part is that you only need a few sessions to get the teeth stains, and you can have your smile back.
Dr. Brite also offers the best teeth whitening pens that help you easily remove and prevent stains. They will assist in fighting oral stains from tea, coffee, and other products. You can also get a teeth whitening kit, which will prove very useful for keeping your dental products.
In a nutshell, after whitening your teeth, it is good to keep away from sugary food. It would be best if you also avoided drinking beverages and alcohol, which can erode your teeth.
It's advisable to take more fruits such as bananas which are less sugary. But you need to avoid acidic fruits because acids can erode your teeth and cause stains. Note that the first 48 hours are crucial after teeth whitening. Follow all this and get to keep that beautiful smile!
1. When can I eat after teeth whitening?
You should avoid foods that could stain your teeth or irritate your gums if you have sensitive teeth. A normal, healthy diet can be resumed within 24 to 72 hours, on average.
2. Can I drink milk after teeth whitening?
It is okay to drink milk and water after teeth whitening, but dark-colored drinks should be avoided. You should avoid beverages such as coffee, dark sodas, red wine, tea, and alcoholic beverages in general. Avoid dark juices such as cranberry, grape, orange, and tomato juice.
3. Why do my teeth look more yellow after whitening?
As you age, your teeth may turn yellow. The fact that some of your teeth are becoming whiter and others are becoming yellower after teeth whitening could indicate that your enamel is thin.
4. Can I eat a burger after teeth whitening?
In general, avoid anything that could stain a white tablecloth. Teeth sensitivity is common, and teeth whitening can exacerbate it. For the time being, avoid foods and beverages that are either too hot or too cold.
5. What are the do's and don'ts after teeth whitening?
Strictly following instructions will help you to get the maximum benefit from teeth whitening treatment. Here are some instructions below:
- Do not drink, eat, smoke or brush your teeth for half an hour after the treatment;
- Do not eat acidic foods, such as lemons, oranges and cola; 3. Change your toothbrush every three to four months;
- Do not use the teeth whitening (whitening gel or cream or strips) more than 1-2 times a day;
- Do not use the whitening products if you have gum disease;
- Do not pick your teeth;
- Do not use any teeth whitening product without the dentist's approval;
- Do not use tooth (whitening gel or cream or strips) for more than one week;
- Do not use too much whitening gel or cream;
- Do not wear whitening trays all day long; 1
- Do not brush your teeth too hard;
- Do not go to sleep wearing the whitening trays.