
6 Easy Ways to Stop Gum Bleeding When Brushing

Have you ever noticed some blood while brushing but didn't take it seriously? Well, it could be as a result of simple brushing mistakes and no need to panic. 

However, persistent bleeding gum could also be a sign of gum disease, and you should take action sooner than later. Either way, do you know there are excellent ways to stop gum bleeding when brushing?

Luckily, this article will point out six excellent ways just for you to do just that. 

But before we jump into it, let's first find out what causes gum bleeding when brushing. See, identifying the causes of gum bleeding is crucial because it helps us get to the root cause. 

Knowing why and what causes gum bleeding helps in choosing the best approach and treatment.

a girl brushing her teeth

What Causes Bleeding Gums?

There are several reasons why you are experiencing bleeding gums each time you brush your teeth. Here are the most common factors:

  • Gingivitis 
  • Poor oral hygiene practices
  • Poor diet
  • Pregnancy Gingivitis
  • Stress
  • Smoking
  • New toothbrush
  • Medication
  • Stiff toothbrush
  • Brushing vigorously

a person rinsing a toothbrush in the bathroom

After going through the list, you must have identified several reasons your gum bleeds when brushing, right? No need to worry; the following tips work perfectly in helping you curb these dental issues. 

How Do You Stop Gum Bleeding When Brushing?

  • Get the right toothpaste. 
  • Did you know you can reverse and prevent cavities by remineralizing your teeth? Have you heard of hydroxyapatite toothpaste? 

    Tooth decay occurs when tooth demineralization outshines tooth remineralization. In other words, tooth breakdown outweighs tooth buildup leading to tooth decay. 

    So, how do we promote remineralization to reverse and prevent cavities? By using hydroxyapatite toothpaste. 

    The majority of your tooth structure comprises hydroxyapatite (a form of calcium) that makes teeth hard and strong. During the demineralization process, hydroxyapatite minerals disappear, leaving your teeth vulnerable to bacteria and plaque.

    Hydroxyapatite is a naturally occurring mineral recognized by the teeth as part of it. In other words, the body does not fight the mineral as it does with fluoride. Instead, it passes as one of its essential parts. 

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    As a result, the tooth absorbs hydroxyapatite down to the root offering immense tooth protection benefits. So, hydroxyapatite reaches the furthest decaying areas and rebuilds to the top surface of the tooth.

    The toothpaste also enables the teeth to be more resistant to plaque and enamel erosion. You also get a bonus for using hydroxyapatite toothpaste; it makes the teeth look whiter and shiny.  

    All you need ishydroxyapatite toothpaste for ultimate oral health that naturally reduces inflammation and kills bacteria that lead to gum disease. The product should be safe, non-toxic, and safe for children.

    a little girl brushing her teeth


  • Get the right toothbrush.
  • Most of us think that choosing a toothbrush is easy. That is not usually the case. The choices you make significantly determine your gum health. 

    When looking for a toothbrush, it is ideal to consider the size of the brush head, brittle size, and shape, and if the dental association approves it. Apart from that, consider manual or electric toothbrushes.  

    We highly recommend an electric toothbrush for various reasons.

    Electric toothbrushes aid in effective and gentle brushing. Vigorous brushing is a common problem as it affects three in every four people. 

    An electric toothbrush stops brushing too hard. (an old practice we never seem to get out of). In other words, an electric toothbrush does most of the work for you. 

    a girl brushing her teeth in front of the mirror

    Gum disease will be a thing of the past if you choose an electric toothbrush. How? An electric toothbrush has a rotating rounded head that gets to those hard-to-reach areas that a manual toothbrush misses. 

    As a result, plaque and bacteria that cause gingivitis and gum disease are easily eliminated. So, do not just brush; brush smart with an electric toothbrush.

    Did you also know that dentists recommend we brush our teeth for at least two minutes? Most of us miss the timing, especially with a manual toothbrush. Luckily, electric toothbrushes come with a timer that stops after a thorough two minutes of cleaning. Sounds cool, right?   

    The market has different electric toothbrush brands, and identifying the most ideal can be a challenge. Conduct thorough research until you find the bestelectric toothbrush that stands out from the rest.  


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  • Brush at least twice per day
  • Brushing at least twice per day, especially after meals, is crucial in keeping the gum healthy. Failure to brush regularly leads to the formation of a film of bacteria called plaque.

     Plaque clings to the teeth and produces acids when it comes into contact with food. The acids lead to tooth decay. Therefore, it is essential to brush 30 minutes after every meal.

     Ideally, tooth enamel softens due to acids present in foods and becomes vulnerable. Therefore, give your enamel a little time to re-harden; else, you will brush it away. 

    Also, for continuous protection, do not rinse the mouth after brushing. This practice ensures the hydroxyapatite stays in our mouths longer and offers prolonged protection. 

    a man brushing his teeth while watching the cellphone


  • Use Mouthwash
  • After brushing with toothpaste, most people think they eliminate all bacteria and food particles. Usually, this is not the case. Furthermore, people should not consider toothpaste as the only oral care product.

    Mouthwash is a spectacular product that most people ignore. So, why should you put mouthwash on your shopping list? Let's find out. 

    Mouthwash gives you a fresh and healthy breath. Although toothpaste leaves your mouth feeling fresh, it does not come close to what a mouthwash does. Mouthwash eliminates bacteria associated with bad breath, thus leaving your mouth with a refreshing and cooling breath. 

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    Did you know you can improve your brushing experience if you use a mouthwash first thing when you wake up? See, mouthwash loosens particles in your mouth, making it easier to eliminate them when brushing. 

     Regular use of mouthwash is also an excellent way of getting rid of canker sores. Canker sores are mouth ulcers that cause infections if not treated on time. Luckily, everyday use of mouthwash can clear them within a few days.

    Mouthwash protects teeth from cavities. We highly recommendhydroxyapatite mouthwash. As discussed earlier, hydroxyapatite penetrates deep into the tooth and starts rebuilding and eliminating cavities and bacteria. 

    In addition, mouthwash comes in different flavors. So, get your favorite flavored mouthwash and build your confidence.  

    a person using a mouthwash


  • Quit smoking
  • Do you know smoking can cause serious health problems, some of which can be fatal? Many people don't know that smoking causes oral issues such as tooth loss, gum disease, tooth staining, and even worse,mouth cancer

    So, how does smoking cause oral problems?

    Smokers produce more bacterial plaque than non-smokers. These bacteria lead to gum disease and gingivitis. Although the body's healing mechanism promotes gum healing, this process primarily applies to non-smokers.

    See, smoking hinders enough oxygen from getting into the bloodstream preventing the gum from healing. 

    Smoking also stains the teeth, robbing them of their natural white color. Although there are many whitening kinds of toothpaste in the market, most are not as effective asoral pens. Oral pens precisely remove stubborn stains and restore the natural color of your teeth. 

    a person braking the cigarette


  • Eat a healthy and balanced diet.
  • We are what we eat. The saying applies perfectly in this case as what we eat plays a significant role in our overall oral health. 

    Regular intake of sugary foods provides an ideal environment for bacteria and plaque. 

    But if you have a sweet tooth, eat in moderation and brush as soon as you finish eating. In other words, do not give the sugars time to sit around and cause harm. 

    Therefore, eat a well-balanced diet for healthy gum and teeth. Most importantly, incorporate lots of vegetables and fruits into your diet. Eating healthy provides the gum with all the nutrients needed. 

    various red and green fruits and vegetables


    When Is It Time to See a Dentist?

    After practicing good oral techniques and using the mentioned products, and the bleeding persists, it is time to see a dentist. Your dentist will conduct a thorough checkup and recommend the best treatment. 

    If the gum disease has advanced, your dentist will refer you to a periodontist. The periodontist will then recommend deep cleaning or periodontal surgery.

    Note, it is recommended that you visit your dentist at least twice per year for a thorough dental exam and professional cleaning. 

    a woman at the dental exam


    The Final Shot

    Do you want to have a beautiful and healthy smile? It's time to take action. Book an appointment with your dentist. With the proper diagnosis, bleeding gums will be a thing of the past.

    Also, check your orals regularly. Replace your toothbrush once the bristles start losing their stiffness. Similarly, make sure the dentist association recommends your oral products. This way, you will be safe from harmful and toxic products.

    Do not wait until you develop oral problems; make the dentist your friend. Regular visits to the dentist will spare you the pain and save you money (treating gum disease is costly). You will also build your confidence with a healthier and shinier smile.


    1. How long does it take for gums to stop bleeding when brushing?

    As you begin brushing properly, you may notice that your gums bleed. This should subside within a week or two.

    2. Should I stop brushing if my gums bleed?

    Unfortunately, the answer is a resounding "No!". The bleeding may be a warning that you need to thoroughly clean your teeth and gums instead of ignoring them. The bleeding may be a warning that you need to thoroughly clean your teeth and gums instead of ignoring them.

    3. What does it mean when your gums bleed every time you brush?

    Bleeding gums indicate gingivitis, or gum inflammation. Plaque builds up at the gumline, causing a mild form of gum disease known as gingivitis. If you have gingivitis, you may notice that your gums are red and swollen. If you brush too hard, your teeth may bleed.

    4. What stops bleeding fast?

    Using a sterile bandage to stop the bleeding is the best way to stop it. While holding something clean and dry, apply pressure to the wound with both hands. Continue to apply pressure with a firm hand to the wound to halt the bleeding.

    5. Should I floss before or after brushing?

     Regular flossing prevents gum disease and bad breath by removing plaque that builds up on and around the gum line. Flossing before brushing your teeth is the best way to remove food particles from between your teeth. Hold 12 to 18 inches (30 to 45 cm) of floss or dental tape between your palms with a couple of inches of it taut.
