
Relief For Swollen Gums | Our Guide to Effective Products and Home Remedies!

Most people fail to observe the appropriate care for gums. Gums, like your teeth, need to be taken care of; otherwise, it may lead to more serious oral complications. You're more likely to develop bacteria growth in the mouth if you neglect gum care. If the gums get damaged, the infection may extend to the roots, resulting in you losing your teeth.

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What Is the Best Relief for Swollen Gums?

The best way to treat swollen gums is by observinggood oral health. You should brush your teeth regularly with an effective toothpaste. One of the best toothpaste you can use to keep healthy gums is Healthy Gums Toothpaste - Mint. It is a collection from Dr. Brite, oral healthcare professional, with natural products. The toothpaste is formulated to reduce inflammation naturally. It has bacteria-killing ingredients that kill bacteria that may cause gum infections.

items for oral care

The toothpaste is Gluten-free and also vegan. Besides, this toothpaste's hydrating mint flavor gives it a pleasant taste. This toothpaste is ideal for adults and costs only $9.59 for a subscription plan and $11.99 for a one-time purchase. For kids' gum care, you may consider Kids Healthy Gums Toothpaste - Chocolate Mint or Kids Anti-Plaque Toothpaste - Berrylicious, which retails at only $9.59.

Several complications can develop in your unhealthy gums. However, one of the most common complications is swelling of the gum. Many factors contribute to swelling gums, including but not limited to gum disease, abscessed teeth, or improper brushing.

Regarding dental hygiene as a means to address swollen gums, you may also need to:

  • When brushing, use an electric brush with soft bristles to avoid accidental injuries to the gums.
  • Use interdental brushes to remove bacteria and food deposits from in between your teeth, which might be difficult to reach with normal brushing.
  • Use suitable mouthwash regularly to offer extra gum protection.

a person putting electric brush on a shelf in the bathroom

Home Remedies

Other than observing good dental hygiene, there are several other home remedies that, when correctly used, can reduce gum swelling. Below are some of the best home remedies you can consider.


Rinsing your mouth with salt water can help treat gum inflammation. The following is a guide showing how to use it.

  1. Put about 8 ounces of lukewarm water into a clean jar.
  2. Add about one teaspoon of salt and stir to dissolve it.
  3. Take a mouthful sip of the solution and rinse for at least 30 seconds.
  4. Spit the content out as we don't recommend you to swallow it.
  5. Repeat the same process about three times a day.
  6. Stop when you see the swelling on the gum disappear.

Warm and Cold Compresses

Both cold and warm compresses are effective in treating swollen gums. The hot compress should relieve pain, while the cold compress should remove the swollen gum. For hot compress, follow the guide below.

  1. Heat a water sample to about boiling point. Stop heating when boiling starts.
  2. Ensure you can tolerate the hot water.
  3. Soak a clean piece of cloth and soak in the water.
  4. Squeeze the cloth to remove excess water. However, the cloth should be damp.
  5. Put the cloth against the side of your face where the swollen gum is.

a woman putting pompresses on her gums

Apply the same procedure for a cold compress but use a clean cloth withanice pack wrapped inside this time.

Try one at a time. However, you can alternate the two if the results are not coming as expected. This process should make the swelling go away.

Turmeric Gel

One of the leading agents causing swollen gums is gingivitis. Turmeric has anti-inflammatory properties that keep gingivitis at bay. Below is how you should use it. Note that you should use it after brushing your teeth.

  1. Use clean water to rinse your mouth. It should come after brushing your teeth.
  2. On your gums, apply a small amount of turmeric gel.
  3. Leave the content on the gum for at least ten minutes.
  4. Take a mouthful of clean water and swish it around your mouth. This process should wash out the gel off the gum.
  5. Spit the content out after a few seconds.
  6. For effective results, repeat the process at least twice a day.

Tea Bags

Tea bags with astringent properties can help treat swollen gums. Tea bags with anti-inflammatory properties like ginger and chamomile also treat inflamed gums. Use the guide below.

  1. Put a tea bag in boiling water.
  2. Leave the water to boil for at least five minutes.
  3. Leave it for some time to cool off.
  4. Apply it to the swollen gum.

tea bags and herbs

Hydrogen peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide solution and water should prove effective when treating swollen gums. Use the guide below to use the remedy.

  1. Put 3% hydrogen peroxide solution on a container. Three spoonfuls should be enough.
  2. Add three tablespoons of water. The ratio of hydrogen peroxide to water should be 1:1.
  3. Take a mouthful sip of the content and swish it around your mouth. Continue for the next 30 seconds.
  4. Spit the content out.
  5. Repeat this process twice or thrice weekly to speed up the healing process.

Essential oils

Essential oils such as thyme oil are effective in treating swollen gums. They fight disease-causing microorganisms which may cause gum diseases in the mouth. Below is a guide showing how you should use it.

  1. Put 8 ounces of warm water into a clean jar.
  2. Add a few drops of thyme oil, peppermint, or tea tree oil.
  3. Mix the content well.
  4. Take a mouthful of the solution and swish it around your mouth.
  5. Continue for the next 30 seconds.
  6. Spit the content out.
  7. Repeat the same procedure twice a day to make the swelling go after.

a person preparing a remedy

Aloe vera

Aloe vera, a natural and locally available resource, is effective when treating gingivitis. Besides curing gingivitis, it also prevents its attack. Find how to use it in the guide below.

  1. Take two teaspoons of aloe vera mouthwash.
  2. Swish it around your mouth for at least 30 seconds.
  3. Spit the content out.
  4. Repeat the same procedure twice daily for ten days to make the swelling disappear.

What Causes Gum Swelling

There are several causes of gum swelling. Common causes are malnutrition, dental appliances, pregnancy, and dry mouth. Let's discuss them in detail.


Vitamins and minerals are resourceful in keeping healthy gums and the whole body. Insufficiency or lack of a particular vitamin or mineral may lead to some serious health conditions. 

Absorption disorder and age-related health conditions can also lead to insufficient uptake of significant minerals and vitamins by the body, leading to health issues. One of these problems is swollen gum.

For instance, if your body has insufficient or lacks Vitamin C, B, A, D, or K, you're more likely to develop swollen gums.

Dental Appliances

Dental appliances such as the ones used to reshape your denture can cause your gum to swell. The process is simple but can injure your gums or provide room for bacteria growth. Thus, it can facilitate the development of gingivitis, which makes the gum swollen.


It is no surprise that pregnancy can cause swollen gums. This is because a pregnant woman's body produces more hormones than usual. This feature will, in turn, increase the blood flow rate to tissues. Increased blood flow to the gum tissue may make the gum feel tender and sometimes swollen.

Other than swelling, the increased blood flow rate can also alter the way the gum tissues react to plaque if the woman has one. This condition can result in the development ofpregnancy gingivitis.

a pregnant woman with toothbrush in front of the mirror

Signs of Swollen Gums

When you experience or see the following, consult your dental health practitioner to diagnose swollen gums and recommend possible treatments.

  • Bleeding when brushing your teeth
  • The gum line shows a further progression.
  • Painful gums
  • Gums starting to swell.
  • Reddish gum
  • Widening the gap between your teeth
  • Bad breath

Tips to Keep a Healthy Gum

The following practices should help you maintain healthy gum and avoid swollen gums.

  • Brush your teeth at least twice a day and floss regularly to remove food particles between the teeth, keeping off gingivitis.
  • Use toothpaste that doesn't irritate your gums.
  • Avoid smoking cigarettes and other tobacco products. Using them may irritate the gum, resulting in gingivitis.
  • Refrain from using alcoholic beverages to avoid gum irritation.
  • Observe a well-balanced diet, including vegetables and fruits.
  • Avoid food and drinks with high sugar content.

If you already have inflamed gums, try the home remedies we have recommended in this article. If the swollen gum doesn't disappear, consult your dental health care provider.

a person showing his healthy gums


What Is the Fastest Way to Heal Gum Disease?

The fastest ways to heal swollen gums are:

  1. Rinsing your mouth using a saltwater solution.
  2. Using aloe vera
  3. Warm and cold compresses your gums
  4. Using hydrogen peroxide
  5. Using essentials oil

How Do I Get My Swollen Gum to Go Down?

Do the following practices to make your swollen gum go down.

  1. Brush your teeth and floss them regularly.
  2. Use salt water rinses to kill plaque bacteria.
  3. Drinking enough water to increase saliva production.
  4. Use a warm compress to soothe gum pain.
  5. Use cold compresses to bring down the swelling.

Home Remedies for Inflamed Gums

Some of the home remedies for swollen gums are:

  • Aloe vera
  • Salt water solution
  • Warm and cold compress

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