
Does Vaping Stain Your Teeth? | Can It Cause Gingivitis, Gum Inflammation and Periodontal Disease?

More and more people are switching from traditional smoking to vaping, that is, electronic cigarettes. One of the main reasons for this change is that e-cigarettes can be used to help quit smoking. The working principle of e-cigarettes is to inhale the vapor generated when the liquid or other materials in the e-cigarette evaporate. 

How does e-cigarette affect your dental health? Although it will not stain or yellow your teeth (because e-cigarettes have nothing to do with smoke or tar), it can have other harmful effects on oral health. Read more about the main topics of vaping and dental health.

a young man using e-cigarette

What Is Vaping?

Vaping is when a liquid solution is heated to form an aerosol that the user inhales. The liquid in e-cigarettes is called e-liquid. This liquid is usually composed of glycerin, propylene glycol, flavoring, and water. 

The other most common ingredient is nicotine, although some users use THC instead of nicotine. In practice, the nicotine content in the blood of e-cigarette users is often lower than that of smokers - see 'Smokers Mouth' post here. However, because the nicotine content in e-cigarettes varies greatly, it is difficult to compare directly.

There are many different reasons as to why users turn to vaping. Let’s take a moment to examine a few of the most popular.

  • The erroneous belief that vaping is safer compared to cigarettes
  • Get around areas that are deemed “smoke-free” 
  • Help quit smoking
  • Recreational use
  • Enjoyment

As you can see, there are various reasons why one might choose vaping. But as studies show, vaping isn’t all fun and games. 

box mod among chess figures

Studies on Vaping 

Researchers and advocates against tobacco are particularly concerned that irresponsible marketing makes e-cigarettes appear to be appealing and attractive to young people who have never used tobacco products. 

Moreover, it appears to be also marketed to young people who do not want to start smoking. The number of middle school students using these products has steadily declined since 2014. 

However, this number has increased since the introduction of e-cigarettes, and it is estimated that one in five school children can use tobacco products. What’s more, from 2017 to 2018, the consumption of e-cigarettes and vaping products increased by 78% for high school students and 48% for middle school students.

a young man making clouds while vaping

Effects on the Gums

The gums are important for maintaining the position of the teeth and affecting overall health. The nicotine in cigarettes and e-cigarettes can damage your gums in many ways. 

Nicotine can reduce the blood flow to the gums, depriving them of nutrients and oxygen, and cause them pain. Studies have shown that nicotine can increase the chance of gingivitis or gum inflammation, leading to periodontal disease, which can cause serious damage to the gums and jaws.


Nicotine can also increase bad breath or persistent bad breath; it does this by reducing the production of saliva, which increases the bacteria in the mouth that causes bad breath (see 'Best Mouthwash for Smokers'). Bad breath is also a common symptom of periodontal disease.

a blonde girl showing her teeth issue

Effects on the Teeth

Inhaling nicotine while smoking is harmful to the teeth you swallow. These risks include tooth decay (see 'Best Toothpaste For Smokers'), the increased number of teeth grinding in people who have already ground, and the risk of loose or missing teeth as gum disease worsens.

Just as the pores of the skin can absorb the substances they expose, so can the pores of the teeth. In cigarettes, the tar and nicotine in the tobacco are absorbed into the pores of the teeth and cause discoloration, turning yellow or brown. 

The vape does not contain tar like that of cigarettes but usually contains nicotine. Although nicotine turns yellow when exposed to oxygen, it has little effect on tooth discoloration compared to smoking. 

Some atomized liquids contain aromatic dyes or dyes that can cause discoloration, so it is best to choose a color that is not colored. Therefore, the answer to this question is, “Does vaping stain your teeth?” No, because the main components that cause smoke stains are not present in the vapor-liquid or vapor process.

female mouth with red lipstick on the lips

When it comes to dental health, you need to know more about the effects of e-cigarettes on your teeth. Although tooth sensitivity is largely related to smoking, there is little association between e-cigarettes and tooth sensitivity. They help to form stains on the teeth and can also erode tooth enamel.

The less enamel on the teeth, the more sensitive they are. Since quitting smoking and switching to e-cigarettes means removing these chemicals, tooth enamel is no longer damaged. This is the bottom line: Will electronic cigarettes stain your teeth? 

As long as the vape is colorless, there will be little or no discoloration by evaporation. Will electronic cigarettes cause tooth sensitivity? No, it will not eat enamel like a cigarette. With that said, there are still many concerns surrounding vaping. 

Studies show that vapes account for 5% of the health risks associated with traditional smoking. They also claim that their use helps people quit smoking and that it has a special purpose that has helped many people quit smoking. 

Unfortunately, these studies only looked at the use of e-cigarettes and vaping by former smokers who used e-cigarettes to quit smoking. Research has not yet investigated the health effects of non-smokers starting to vape because e-cigarettes claim to be good for health.

pink vape mod in a hand

In addition, these studies did not solve the problem of e-cigarettes among middle school students. The share of e-cigarette use is growing the fastest, which is why we are facing a wave of oral health problems.

In Closing

While it’s true that vaping won’t stain your teeth, there are other concerns like those mentioned above that need to be taken into consideration. If you’re just looking for a safer alternative to cigarettes, it’s best that you avoid vaping altogether. Studies show this not to be the case. As such, if you’ve never smoked, you shouldn’t start vaping just to see if you like it.



1. How does vaping affect your teeth?

E-cigarettes deplete the mouth's salivary glands with nicotine. Insufficient saliva can cause a dry mouth, plaque buildup, an increase in bacteria, and eventually tooth damage. Nicotine is a stimulant of the muscles that is inhaled when vaping. This may cause you to grind your teeth (bruxism) or aggravate your illness.

2. How do you get vape stains off your teeth?

According to Rozenberg, you can dilute a tiny amount (less than an ounce) of hydrogen peroxide with water, rinse your mouth, spit it out, then thoroughly rinse with water after several seconds. This technique, she explains, is a simple method to lighten yellow stains.

3. Does vaping affect teeth whitening?

Smoking has a much greater impact on teeth discoloration than does vaping. Regular tooth whitening may be necessary for smokers. This might have a financial impact as well as an effect on your dental health.
