
How To (Properly) Wash Your Hands 🧼

Washing our hands, multiple times a day, has become an essential part of our lives. While washing your hands greatly reduces the spread of COVID-19, it is only effective when done properly.

A study conducted by USDA found consumers fail to correctly wash their hands 97% of the time, with the most common mistake being not washing hands long enough. Also, a staggering 40% of Americans don't always wash their hands after going to the bathroom.

With these alarming numbers, it is now more important than ever to continuously wash up and stay safe!

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1. What are the steps to washing your hands?

There are three steps to the perfect hand wash. First of all, you should clean the hands thoroughly with soap and water for 15-20 seconds. It is more important to rub your hands against each other than to rub them against the sink. Secondly, you should rinse the water off with warm water for about 20-30 seconds. It is important to rub the water off with a hand dryer. Lastly, you should moisturize your hands. If you are using soap, then your hand wash routine is complete. If not, then use hand lotion or hand cream. But be careful not to use too much lotion; otherwise, it may have a negative impact on your skin.

2. What should you use to wash your hands?

We always tend to use liquid soaps to wash our hands, but it is not the best option. Again, the best thing to use is plain water and soap.  Plain water cleanses better than soaps, and soap is not necessary for hand washing. If you want to reduce the germs on your hands, you can use alcohol based hand sanitizers which are also easy to carry. 

3. Why is it important to wash your hands?

Basic hygiene is one of the most important parts of staying healthy. Washing hands regularly with soap and water or using hand sanitizer after you use a public bathroom is the first important step toward preventing illnesses like colds, flues, and gastrointestinal illnesses. Washing hands keeps you safe from germs. There are a lot of bacteria in dirty bathrooms, on the bathroom floor, on the bathroom door handle, in the bathroom sink, and everywhere else where people touch. Touching those bacteria and then touching yourself, like putting your hands in your mouth, or putting dirty hands on a food you are eating, can make you sick. Washing hands with soap and water helps stop that germs from getting on you. Hand sanitizers are a good alternative to washing hands, but only if you are out of soap and water. Hand sanitizers don't kill all of the germs that cause illness. They just stop the germs from sticking to your hands. They aren't a substitute for washing your hands if you have soap and water available.
