
Identify, Treat & Reverse Gum Disease At Home With Vitamin C

What is Gum Disease?

Gum disease, or periodontal disease, is an inflammation of the gum line that can progress to affect the bone that surrounds and supports your teeth.

It’s caused by bacteria in plaque buildup that produces acids and other toxins that can destroy gum tissue and bone.

The good news is that gum disease can easily be reversed if diagnosed in the early stages, which is why prevention through proper oral care habits and knowing the signs are crucial.

What are the signs of gum disease?

You may not even be aware that you have gum disease because there is often no pain.

 Here are some of the warning signs and symptoms that may indicate gum disease:

  • Bleeding Sore Gums
  • Loose Teeth
  • Bad Breath
  • Receding Gums
  • Painful Chewing
  • Diseased Gums
  • Swollen Gums

Treating Gum Disease with Vitamin C 

Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant that’s responsible for helping the body grow, heal and repair connective tissue, which also plays an important role in oral health.

Vitamin C supports the lining of the gums and keeps them healthy despite the harmful bacteria that inhabit the mouth.

Healthy gums are able to separate the bacteria from the roots of the teeth despite their close proximity.

When gums are compromised they cannot carry out this function, which leads to the early stages of periodontal disease.

Vitamin C is also fundamental for the production of collagen, the basic protein that makes up all connective tissue including the gums, which helps them stay tight to the teeth and the teeth to the jawbone.

If gums are already damaged or suffering from any of the signs listed above vitamin C can help!

But since vitamin C is water-soluble, the body doesn’t store it long-term and must be consumed every day.

Vitamin C Toothpaste and Mouthwash

A good oral hygiene regimen can certainly keep your gums healthy, but you may also be lacking the proper nutrition your gums need to maintain optimal health.

Our toothpaste and mouthwash formulas are created with natural and organic ingredients like vitamin C along with organic coconut oil and mint extract to ensure that your gums receive the necessary nutrients.

While eating foods and drinking beverages high in vitamin C will help restore your body’s need for the vitamin and it’s healing properties, your gums often miss out.

When brushing with a vitamin C toothpaste, you’re applying the vitamin directly to your gums allowing it to absorb naturally.

The same goes for the swishing of our vitamin Cmoutwash!

Keep in mind there is no dosage recommendation to treat gum disease.

However, daily use of the Dr. Brite vitamin C toothpaste and mouthwash is definitely enough to repair damaged gums and prevent the development of periodontal disease in the future.

Additional Reading: Tips for preventing gum disease naturally



1. Can vitamin C heal your gums?

A powerful antioxidant, vitamin C aids the body in growing, healing, and repairing itself. Vitamin C is also vital for dental health. Even when there are dangerous germs in the mouth, vitamin C protects the gum lining and maintains gum health.

2. Does vitamin C help with gingivitis?

Those with a lower food intake or a lower blood level of vitamin C progressed more rapidly than controls. Vitamin C therapy reduced gingival bleeding in gingivitis but not in periodontitis.

3. Can vitamin C stop bleeding gums?

Vitamin C-rich foods can boost your immune system and help you fight gum infections that cause bleeding gums. A deficiency of vitamin C in the diet can also exacerbate gum disease-induced bleeding.

4. How much vitamin C should I take for gum disease?

It has been suggested that dietary vitamin C intakes above the RDA of 75 or 90 mg/day may be advantageous in the treatment of periodontal disease, but cause and effect have not yet been established. Dietary vitamin C intakes greater than 150 mg/day were associated with a better response to sanative therapy.

5. What vitamin C is good for gums?

Collagen, a crucial component of your gums, is a structural protein that can only be made with vitamin C. This is the reason why a lack of vitamin C can cause inflamed, bleed, and painful gums. Worldwide, especially in developing nations, vitamin C insufficiency is a prevalent problem.

6. Can you brush your teeth after vitamin C?

Never brush your teeth right quickly after consuming Vitamin C, whether in its natural form or as a tablet, as this is when our enamel is weakest. Prior to brushing, wait at least 30 minutes after using the restroom.

7. What food is high in vitamin C?

  • White potato
  • Strawberries
  • Citrus (oranges, kiwi, lemon, grapefruit) 
  • Bell peppers
  • Cruciferous plants (broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower)
  • Tomatoes

8. Is there a way to regenerate your gums?

No, is the answer. It is impossible for receding gums to regrow if they have been severely compromised by gum disease, such as periodontitis, the most severe type. Even while receding gums cannot be reversed, there are treatments that may be able to prevent further damage.

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